Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes

Torabisu is a cool name in Japanese.

Nintendo’s Nindie Summer Showcase had some pretty good stuff on display. But one thing stood heads above the rest. That, of course, being the trailer for Travis Strikes Again:  No More Heroes.

I love Suda 51 games, or at least every one that I’ve been able to get my hands on. He’s such a glorious troll; the first No More Heroes was basically a several hour long joke about what a loser you (the player) are. The second game was itself a meta joke about the most likely way you went about grinding money in the first game. And Goichi Suda will never stop. I love it.

Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes - 0
Even the engine currently being used for the game is not immune. Grasshopper Manufacture

The trailer concerns The Bat, Bad Girl‘s father, out for revenge against Travis. As they fight in Travis’ trailer, the Death Drive Mk. II (a phantom game console) sucks them in. The only way out is to beat all six games and their respective bosses.

Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes doesn’t launch until 2018. And you can be damn sure, based on history, that the soundtrack will be fuckin’ awesome.

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