Transformers: Robots in Disguise “Similarly Different”

Oh man, fighting dinosaurs, guys. Who doesn’t love watching robot dinosaurs fight? Awful people, that’s who.

This episode of Transformers: Robots in Disguise actually starts with what winds up as the “B” plot. Denny snores, and it keeps Russell awake all night. In the morning, Russell asks Denny for his own place, and Denny goes completely nuts trying to accommodate it. He pretty much insists that no one help him with it; he wants to do this for Russell. Unfortunately this pretty much revolves around him buying a second trailer and decking it out (apparently) in 8 track tapes and 70’s era decor. You know, stuff he like, and thinks that kids like too. He sort of whiffs it by trying to add a rooftop entertainment deck to the roof, which Russell actually admits is pretty cool. Too bad it’s a bunch of pinball tables on a gigantic steel plate and trailers/motorhomes aren’t constructed to accommodate that amount of weight.

Total honesty? I have no idea how he thought this would work.
Total honesty? I have no idea how he thought this would work.

Denny begins to despair; He wanted to make a cool pad for his son, since he was absent for most of Russell’s early childhood. Russell consoles him, telling him that the important thing is that they’re spending time together now. They decide to work on the thing together.

But back to the actual plot. Grimlock is out on patrol, when he runs into another Dinobot In the middle of an arena that’s set to be torn down. Grimlock quickly makes friends with him, after introductions that reveal the other bot to be named Scowl. Grimlock reasons that it’s okay to smash the arena to their hearts content as it’s meant to be torn down anyway. If anything, that’s just being helpful, right? At the end of their fun day, though, Grimlock tells Scowl that he has to bring him in. Scowl convinces him to let him go, though, promising not to hurt any “screamers” (his word for humans and a huge red flag). Grimlock considers this fair, calling one of his worst audibles to date, and returns to the junkyard.

He pretty obviously lies about finding nothing on his patrol. And holds to that, right up until they pick up Scowl’s signal right near Grimlock’s patrol route. He tries to cover for Scowl, but at the mention of his name Fixit brings up his file. Scowl was a bad, bad dude; he worked as an enforcer for Thunderhoof, knocking down people’s homes after Thunderhoof “acquired” the deeds and the inhabitants refused to leave. Bumblebee is just the teensiest, tiniest bit disappointed in Grimlock, but has him tag along anyway.

They reach the area quickly, and Grimlock still maintains that Scowl isn’t a bad guy (you know, despite being named Scowl). He tries to convince the others that he can Minotaur mentor him. The others point out that while he is a good natured guy who just happens to be like a bull in a china shop, Scowl did the things he did with the intent of hurting people.

READ:  Transformers: Robots in Disguise "Out of Focus"
And the Scowl shows up and throws a tree at them.
And the Scowl shows up and throws a tree at them.

He gets away, and they easily follow the path of destruction to a train station. He wrecks it just because he feels like it, forcing them tp save the incoming train to cover his escape. Grimlock won’t let him run, though, and tries to reason with him again. Scowl, twists the knife, though, by basically letting him know that he had no real intention of keeping his promise. Grimlock tosses him into some trees, seemingly knocking him out, and goes to help the others with the train. Scowl, however, apparently flopped, and beat a hasty retreat.

They chase him down to a local spa, which he’s already started wrecking. Sideswipe has a brilliant plan to get the place evacuated; tell everyone that a kangaroo from the exotic animal park has gotten loose and is dangerous. Bumblebee thinks it’s one of the stupidest things possible, but I disagree; kangaroos come from Australia: the land where everything is trying to kill you. Give it a hundred years, and they’ll probably have venomous claws or some shit, as if the kick that they have that can straight up kill you isn’t enough.

Grimlock eventually catches up with Scowl, and continues to plead with him to change his ways. Scowl has no interest in doing so, knocking down a wall which reveals a bunch of humans meditating so hard that they don’t notice the chaos around them. Grimlock does his best to save them from the falling debris, much to scowl’s amusement.

There are days where I wish I was so zen-ed out that I wouldn't be able to save myself from a collapsing building and indigenous Australian wildlife.
There are days where I wish I was so zen-ed out that I wouldn’t be able to save myself from a collapsing building and indigenous Australian wildlife.

Grimlock manages to move their fight into the lobby of the spa, which just so happens to have a giant marble sphere in the middle of its fountain. Scowl lays him out with a swing of his tail though, and takes the opportunity to let him knwo what he thinks of a Dinobot that doesn’t engage in wanton, Godzilla-like destruction. Grimlock slowly agrees, and gets back up with the offer of a tail high five. Grimlock, however, intentionally misses, instead launching the marble directly into Scowl’s face, knocking him out and making the collar.

Back at the junkyard, Denny and Russell have finished the new trailer. But Russell thinks something is missing, adding Denny’s disco ball to the antenna. Denny pumps some license and lyric free disco music, and they start dancing, with Fixit being just nerdy enough to join in. The rest of the bots look on in confusion.

Even alien robots from beyond the stars thought disco was dead.
Even alien robots from beyond the stars thought disco was dead.

All in all, decent episode.

Final Thoughts:

About Author

B. Simmons

Based out of Glendale California, Bryan is a GAMbIT's resident gaming contributor. Specializing in PC and portable gaming, you can find Bryan on his 3DS playing Monster Hunter or at one of the various conventions throughout the state.

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