Last weeks episode of Transformers: Robots in Disguise left with a cliffhanger. Literally; Optimus was hanging off a cliff. And Bumblebee was on the warpath for Overload.
Drift cooks up a quick strategy to save Optimus. He plants his sword in a nearby rock and swings a reluctant Sideswipe out to help him up. It’s still not enough, however, and Windblade has to come down and push Optimus back onto the cliff proper. Doing so allows Polarclaw to escape, and he does so by starting an avalanche with his roar. Windblade averts enough of it that it doesn’t kill them, but it clearly took its toll on Optimus, and also Sideswipe since I’m pretty sure everybody landed on him.
Bumblebee flat out claims the collar on Overload as his alone. Strongarm tries to convince him that he’ll need help to bring him in, but she’s unsuccessful. They split up after they reach the parking lot Overload wrecked, with Grimlock and Strongarm hiking through the woods after what they thought was the path the Minicons took. It turns out to be a nature path that a bunch of campers are taking, and some quick thinking and the plot to Jurassic Park helps them avoid notice.

Up north, Prime teaches them a trick he learned during his training. They’re able to scan a vehicle at a nearby arctic base and take on only one of its properties, in this case an arctic camo paint job. To be honest, the back of my mind tells me that this is so that they can sell variants of every figure, since this is a merch driven franchise; but it’s still pretty cool. It also really sticks it to Sideswipe, who has been a bit disrespectful to Optimus recently.

They scale the mountain without attracting attention thanks to their camo. Polarclaw is apparently planning to hibernate, and Drift suggests they wait until he’s asleep to move in. Sideswipe screws that up by Hot Rod-ing the situation thanks to his messed up squeaky leg. They nearly chase Polarclaw off of another cliff, which gives way under their weight. I have no idea why Windblade was afraid of falling, though, since SHE! CAN! FLY!
Optimus decides on an old hunting tactic by having Windblade drive Polarclaw into the ocean at a point they can easily reach him. Since his roar doesn’t work underwater they pretty easily kick his ass. As a matter of fact, Optimus knocks him out with one punch. Then very pointedly rubs it in Sideswipe’s face.

Bumblebee catches up with Overload while he’s attacking a motor home that does, in fact, have people inside it. Overload, absolutely doesn’t remember him, which makes Bee even angrier. He gets Overload on the ground and desperately tries to beat his face in, but to no avail. The tables get turned pretty quickly, leaving Bee beaten. Just before Overload finishes him off, Bee realizes that Overload relies on a degree of concentration and starts disrupting his train of thought by banging metal objects together. He gets the Minicons in on it, since they’re basically 2 year-olds, and gets his opening to knock Overload’s lights out. When Strongarm and Grimlock get there, he lets her know she was right, and leads everyone back to the scrapyard in an improvised marching band.

Honestly, I think this season of Transformers: Robots in Disguise is going to be even better than the first. I just wonder when Steeljaw will show up again.
Final Thoughts:
- Seriously, she can do better than fly, she can VTOL.
- I was a little let down that there wasn’t a “must go faster” joke to be found.
- I noticed Polarclaw didn’t have a line other than assorted growls.