It’s been a while since I’ve had an episode of Transformers: Robots in Disguise. It turns out that Will Friedle was favoriting some of those earlier reviews I wrote. I’m certain I’ll find some way to disappoint him. Yes, I’m being facetious when I say that.
Eveybody’s just waiting around, because they’ve basically had very little to do since they disintegrated Megatronus. Russel is running a buffer on Grimlock, which is almost immediately important, and Sideswipe has respect issues with Optimus. This causes the usual fight with Strongarm, which knocks over some pods containing some minicons they caught off screen. Bumblebee calls in Grimlock to stop the fight, when they suddenly notice something weird on his side.

Micronus wants the spark portions the Primes lent to Optimus back. Now. And he doesn’t take no for an answer. I get the feeling that he’s the sort to break your leg-benders if you owe him a debt. He takes the sparks back, leaving Optimus in a fairly weak state. Optimus insists that he’s fine, but they all know that’s a lie, of sorts.
Optimus insist on leading the away team Bee had been planning, despite the fact that he’s neither built to be fast nor stealthy, less so in his current state. But since Bee can’t convince him otherwise, he sends them to the North Pole where there’s been some Decepticon activity.
The only problem is that something inherant to Optimus’ previously supersparked body causes the ground bridge to malfunction catastrophically, leaving Optimus, Windblade, Drift and Sideswipe stranded at the North Pole. Optimus is clearly “playing through the pain”, but The rest of the team goes along with it. They get about halfway up the mountain that the Decepticon is hiding on before they finally convince him that returning to the base of the mountain to coordinate tactics and communications might be best, considering his size and condition. Too bad the clearly-a-polar-bear Decepticon decide that now’s the time to rain rocks down at them.

Also, I really needed to bring this up. It drive me slightly nuts when characters that can, say, fly, forget they can do so. Why did Windblade stand around when those rocks came flying down and knocked Optimus off the cliff? I mean, jet-fu is always an option when Sidswipe is around. At least she actually does react, which is more than I can say for Sideswipe.
Back at the Junkyard, they just get the fire put out in time for a visitor. His name is Overload, and he no sells the best their defense system can throw at him, thanks to his ridiculously thick armor. He fancies himself an actor, and he’s got a grudge on for Optimus. After wrecking shop and mopping the floor with everyone, he decides tht if Prime isn’t there, he’ll go and wreak havoc in the city since he knows the endangerment of innocents will draw him out. The Minicons, woken by the fight, escape and join him.

Bumblebee has a personal vendetta for Overload, though, and he’s not just going to let him do as he pleases. Back during the War for Cybertron, Overload injured him badly, forcing Optimus to act and have him captured in the first place. So this just sets the stage for an excellent grudge match on Transformers: Robots in Disguise next week.
Final Thoughts:
- Steve Blum plays Polarclaw and the two minicons. I am not averse to more Steve Blum in my life.
- That’ll teach Grimlock for going with a mirror polish.
- Overload talks in stage terms, like a deranged Snagglepuss.