Transformers: Robots in Disguise does this Metroid thing every once in a while. Someone raids their pods, frees a bunch of prisoners, and gets away with it. It’s pretty much to be expected for a series like this.
As for the title, it works twofold. The most obvious begins with Russell performing a magic act that he’s not terrible enthused to be performing in the first place. He makes a coin disappear to the bewilderment of the bots. None of them can figure out what he did with it, so he explains that the trick uses misdirection; hiding the coin in one hand while drawing attention with the other. His demonstration gets interrupted when a Decpticon is brazen enough to walk right up to their front gate.

It turns out to be Steeljaw, badly wounded, and leaving the closest thing to a blood trail you can actually have in a TV-Y7 series. He mentions being betrayed by Scorpinok before passing out. Strongarm kept to protocol the entire time, even though Bumblebee had doubts. They get him situated in a pod and, after quintuple checking it, decide to follow the trail and see if they can figure out what happened.
They make it to an old drive-in movie theater, where Strongarm marvels at the purpose of the place. Bee was about to explain it, when they realize they’re not alone and hide. Scorpinok shows up with a couple of minicons, but he’s not there for long before Crazybolt and Slicedice show up. Their discussion about being there to meet Steeljaw and his elites tips Bee off.

Yep, Steeljaw tricked them. He used his magical science knowledge to make himself immune to the effects of the pod, caught Fixit, Denny and Russell in a “sonic shield”, and starts freeing his old posse, as well as anyone else he deems useful. Thunderhoof, in particular, is incredulous. After all, Megatronus really screwed them over through Steeljaw’s leadership. But since Steeljaw is a silver-tongued rogue, he convinces all of them that they should head to Scorpinok’s base.
Bee immediately sends Strongarm back, while he and Grimlock cover her escape. Their fight is brief; Bee is able to overcome Crazybolt’s flamethrower through sheer guile, but Grim is unsuited to combat with Scorpinok and gets knocked out. Scorpinok uses that to get bee to surrender, but Bee takes the opportunity to feed them a lie about Steeljaw. He tells them that Steeljaw will betray him for the Earth itself, because it’s magic, and demonstrates it using Russell’s trick from earlier with a rock. Grim comes to, seizes the opening Bee set up, and they bag all five of the Decepticons they dealt with. Bee leave Grim to lock them up and chases after Strongarm.
Speaking of, Strongarm takes on Steeljaw one-on-one. She actually has him legitimately beat. Even his attempts to fight dirty don’t turn out that well for him. And her solution to him using the shield controller to threaten her friends gets turned on him when she steals it from him. She’s not green anymore, but the situation turning into a potential two-on-one drives him off.

That pretty much wraps up this episode of Transformers: Robots in Disguise. Sure, they lost most of their convicts. But they’ve got bait for more.
Final Thoughts:
- Steeljaw will screw over his new “friends” first chance he gets.
- It’s cute that Strongarm thinks people took their cars to see movies as a reward.
- They wrecked one of the last remaining drive-ins in America.