Transformers: Robots in Disguise “Decepticon Island Part 2”

Transformers Robots in Disguise - Decepticon Island Part 2-0

So the last episode of Transformers: Robots in Disguise left the bots in a jam. Which is standard two-part finale fare to begin with. But it’s not like anyone wouldn’t know that.

Steeljaw’s current position is predicated on his possession of the two Decepticon Hunters from the ship. He knows this, because even now Saberhorn and Glowstrike are calling him on it. His response? That they shouldn’t have trusted a fellow Decepticon in the first place, and that by having him obtain them for them, they were practically asking him to seize power.

Transformers Robots in Disguise - Decepticon Island Part 2-1
It’s in his nature.

During the squabble, Windblade sets up a distraction, giving most of the remaining bots a chance to make a run for it. Bee makes it through the door even though he gets hit, but loses his Decepticon Hunter in the process. Glowstrike finds it, but quickly loses it to Steeljaw, as he already knows more about using his than they would know were the tables turned. Windblade is captured, and sent to the brig.

Bee soon realizes that he’s lost his weapon, and also that their mission is falling apart. He decides, over Optimus’ protests, to split the group (traditionally, a terrible idea). He sends Drift and Ratchet to free Windblade, and Strongarm, Sideswipe and Grimlock to free the Minicons. He, Optimus and Toolbox (God, that name) will continue on to plant the stasis bomb.

Unfortunately for Ratchet and Drift, they left Overload to guard the pod they stuck Windblade in. He’s more than a match for the two of them head on, and handily shoves both of them in empty pods. Only by some trickery from Jetstorm and Slipstream are they able to get free. They’re able to get the drop on him thanks to that, and they, naturally, go right for the face.

Transformers Robots in Disguise - Decepticon Island Part 2-2
He ain’t pretty no more.

Things go slightly less well for Strongarm, Sideswipe and Grimlock. They get jumped in the communications room by Groundpounder and Thunderhoof, and they’re nearly taken out. Thanks to some quick thinking from Sideswipe, they’re able to use a sonic burst from the comm equipment to knock them out, then free the Minicons by blasting the signal to disable their collars.

Transformers Robots in Disguise - Decepticon Island Part 2-4
Did someone order a gleeful, heavily armed century of robots?

Optimus and Bumblebee finally hash their problem out. Bumblebee actually makes his case by using something Optimus had told him long ago about leadership, and the problem is resolved. Which is good, because just as they’re planting the bomb, Steeljaw shows up. He’s more than read up on everything he could find about the weapons in his possession, and knows that combining the three he has would grant him more than enough power to take even the original Primes. So he does it.

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Transformers Robots in Disguise - Decepticon Island Part 2-3
You guys are boned.

The fight goes poorly for them initially, but they get some help from the freed Minicons. They prove to be less than what’s needed to take him down, but A kick from Optimus gets him off Bee’s back long enough to arm the bomb. With literally all of them working on it, they’re able to pry the weapons from Steeljaw’s hands, reverting him to his normal state. Bee uses them to melt Steeljaw into the floor and they make a last minute Metroid-esque escape.

Transformers Robots in Disguise - Decepticon Island Part 2-5
Yeah, I have no idea how they tolerate the tentacles… ~grabbing~ them.

With all of the Decepticons placed in stasis, Ratchet and Windblade decide to return to Cybertron. Optimus wishes to go with them as well, to see just what the council is up to (no doubt implementing councilwide stupid hat laws because when has a council not had stupid hats). The freed Minicons go with them, but Drift decides to stay. Bumblebee announces that he plans on forming a more permanant Autobot base on Earth, and the rest of the team agrees to stay with him.

That wraps season 2 of Transformers: Robots in Disguise. It’s not as explosive as the first season finale, but it at least clears the previous villains out for a new crop next season. Which is probably the point; it is meant to sell merch, after all.

Final Thoughts:

  • I’m going to miss Troy Baker’s smooth delivery.
  • I’m wondering what they’ll do with the extra Decepticon Hunters.
  • I probably left things out. But that’s just how things turn out some times.

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