Transformers: Robots in Disguise has been pretty focused on the home team the past few weeks. So it was only a matter of time until we’d get to see the away team again. They’re on a long road trip home, after all.
Sideswipe can’t shut up about himself, and it’s driving Drift nuts. Also, Optimus is still not 100% which worries all of them. Unfortunately, he won’t take any outs they give him. And two Minicons attack him while he’s bringing up the rear of the group. Their names are Swelter and Glacius, they have (obvious) fire and ice powers, and this scene forced me to Google whether or not a rock can explode when exposed to extreme heat then cold. The answer? Technically, I guess.

They do okay versus Optimus and Drift’s pupils, but make a run for it when the others show up. They keep mentioning how Razorpaw won’t be happy with them, which causes the team to check in with Fixit. The minicons are on the Alchemor‘s manifest, but their supposed boss isn’t, which is suspicious.
The event kicks off a bit of Prime protecting from Windblade. The gets attacked by a prairie dog in the process of trying to protect him from the rigors of stepping around a shrubbery. She then falls off a cliff and lands in a particularly rough river, forgetting she can fly until she gets helped out by Sideswipe, who was already on Drift’s nerves. Look, I was hard on her in her first appearance because they really overplayed the whole “love the new person because they’re so cool and flawless” thing, but I’m beginning to think you nerfed her too hard.

Razorpaw isn’t happy with being disturbed. But seeing that one of the Bots is injured, he decides that he’s going to eat pretty well, since he can absorb energon from other Cybertronians. Also, he’s a puma-themed robot that turns into a car. At least he doesn’t fly.

They find an abandoned military base and split into teams looking for their mark. Drift and Sideswipe go into a hanger, only to immediately be attacked by Swelter and Glacius. They get trapped in a mass of quickly melted and cooled jeep, and wind up useless for the rest of the episode. But Drift is happy, because it forces Sideswipe to shut up.
Razorpaw gets the drop on Optimus and Windblade, and the minicons keep Optimus occupied while Razorpaw takes on Windblade. She didn’t realize that she was his target all along, since her injury made her weaker than Optimus from a combat standpoint. He starts sapping her power, and Prime decides to play possum. This draws Razorpaw in and sets the Minicons to arguing over whether working for Razorpaw is worth their time since all they get for their trouble are his scraps. He sandwiches the minicons with a pair of jeeps and maces Razorpaw in the face with the Sword Mace(?) of the Primes.
Optimus sets to freeing Drift and Sideswipe, and Windblade learns a special lesson about being worried about her friends. Transformers: Robots in Disguise had a puma get knocked over by a truck. My day is complete.
Final Thoughts:
- I mean, they established that Windblade can fly outside of her alt form. What the hell?
- That camoflage they took on really didn’t do much to help them, in all honesty.
- At least he wasn’t a dumpy chinese robot.