Transformers: Robots in Disguise “Collect ‘Em All”


Do you like shiny things? I hope you do. Because this week’s episode features a lot of them. Sort of.

So the episode begins with a family rolling up to a gas station in their RV. They get out to stretch their legs, and their son is a sullen, iPhone obsessed little shit. All of a sudden, this episode’s Decepticon swoops in and steals their shiny RV, much to the parent’s horror and their child’s delight. The kid happily posts to FacePlace that he’s staying in a motel. That’s some nice enthusiasm kid. Do yourself a favor; never buy a blacklight.

Turns out Bumblebee and crew have been out looking for this one. He apparently saw fit to pair up Strongarm and Sideswipe again, despite the fact that they work together only slightly better than Sideswipe and Grimlock. You think he would’ve learned that by now.

Suddenly, they catch sight of the big metallic bird. Sideswipe speeds up over Strongarm’s protests that he’s breaking the cybertronian police force’s rules for a high speed pursuit. Sideswipe clearly doesn’t care, because they’re so far out of their jurisdiction that Strongarm’s constant quoting of the rules makes her look Lawful-Stupid. The Decepticon attacks them, just as a visitor shows up at the junkyard.

It’s an old rival of Denny’s by the name of Larry LaRue. Larry feeds Denny a line about having a show about hidden gems in the junk pile, but Denny quickly decides it’s bullshit and kicks Larry out.

Back at the action, the Decepticon has Sideswipe on the ground under her talons. Sideswipe yells out “Polly wants to crack me!” Swing and a miss, Sideswipe. Swing and a miss. Strongarm takes some potshots at her, but gets taken down when she pauses to scratch a horrible itch she somehow developed.

Bubmblebee knocks the Decepticon out of the air with a flying kick. She flies up to the power lines, and Bumblebee climbs up to capture her. She severs a power line, which strikes Bumblebee, and she makes her escape.

Back at the junkyard, Denny and Russell go back over to Fixit, with Russell arguing that the show Larry is making could make him a star. Fixit, ever the literalist, wonders how a show could induce stellar fusion. Denny tells Russell that he collects all of his stuff because he love doing so. He doesn’t need fame and fortune. And it would make it awful hard to keep the Autobots off the radar.

Apparently the Decepticon is named Filch. She’s a kleptomaniac with a three word vocabulary, but I’ll let that slide since none of those words are her name or chips or ice cream. She’s been stealing random shiny crap with no ulterior motive, but she’s a menace and they need to catch her anyway. Strongarm scratches her shoulder again as she explains that they would have caught her if Sideswipe hadn’t broken the rules. He blows up at her over rules lording again, and for the first time ever, she just walks away.

Bumblebee catches up with her and reads her old arrest logs over her shoulder. I shudder to think what “indecent transformation” would be. He correctly guesses that she’s homesick, and tells her about his first time on Earth. Once he opened up to it, living on Earth was easier than it had been before.

They head off to catch Filch again with Denny in tow, sans Grimlock because his attempt to pass as a truck was humorously inadequate. Filch manages to tear away an I-beam from a bridge, damaging its structural integrity. Bumblebee grabs hold of the beam to keep Filch from getting away and orders Sideswipe and Strongarm to support the bridge. He asks Denny to use one of his disguises to keep people off the bridge. He somehow manages to convince a law enforcement officer to place a roadblock to keep people away, as well as explain away the GIANT ALIEN ROBOTS less than 100 feet away from them.

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Bumblebee makes an emergency call to get Grimlock to help them, but Larry hopped the fence and Russell has the sort of judgment a kid has in regards to people they don’t know, because “stranger danger” isn’t a thing in the Transformerverse. Hi jinx ensue; Grimlock fails to get past Larry unnoticed, prompting Russell to cover the whole thing up. Fixit plays with Larry’s camera while his back is turned, accidentally getting caught on video.

Something about Denny’s disguise catches Filch’s eye, and she carries him away, knocking Bumblebee off the bridge. Denny wakes up in the nest Filch built herself. She’s decidedly unhappy about the fact that he’s not shiny. She can get in line; there’s millions of Pokémon players that deal with that level of disappointment every day. He manages to distract her by telling her that there’s a recycling plant off in the distance. Denny’s phone is out of battery, though, so he roots around to find something he can use to power it.

Grimlock makes it to the bridge and takes over the duty of holding it up like a boss. free to chase Filch, Bumblebee, Strongarm and Sideswipe head towards her nest. Denny manages to get in touch with Russell, and Russell explains the whole Larry situation. Denny asks him to tell Bumblebee where to find him.

They reach Filch’s nest just as she gets back from the recycling plant. Sideswipe continues his climb to the top after Filch grabs Bumblebee. Strongarm is torn between the rules and the reality of the situation. She decides to help Bumblebee by diving at Filch, laying one hell of a punch across her beak.

Sideswipe reaches the nest, and hurls the I-beam right at Filch’s head, knocking her out cold. He orders Strongarm and Sideswipe to take Filch and Denny back to the scrapyard while he takes the I-beam back to the bridge.

Denny makes a deal with Larry; he can buy the stuff he collected at fair price, so long as he never darkens their door again. Russell covertly reminds, Denny about the video with Fixit, and Denny finagles the memory cards into the deal as well. Turns out that Larry picked all of the stuff he bought from aisle 3, which didn’t contain anything Denny really cared about anyway..

This episode was alright. It was nice to see Strongarm break from a rigid interpretation of protocol, at least. I feel we’ll be seeing Filch again, though. She stayed in bird form for almost the entire episode, after all.

Final Thoughts:

  • Shiny?

  • Mine!

  • Denny plays sudoku.

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