I don’t like bees. Or hornets. Or wasps, or flying things with stingers in general. Just really, really don’t like them.
So, for the first time ever, Strongarm realized that all of their enemies have some degree of an Earth-animal motif. Well, shit, it only took them twenty three episodes to realize it! That’s gotta be a frickin’ record. So she’s schooling the others in how dangerous a kick to the head by a giant robotic horse might be. Sideswipe doesn’t care about it because it isn’t actual training, and decides to go off on his own into the forest to train. And he was never seen or heard from again, but on some nights you can hear the sound of his ghost lamenting the fact that he couldn’t punch a bear.
While dicking around in the woods, he happens across a fight between a Decepticon and a jet, who transforms and kicks the Decepticon’s ass (and, coincidentally, knocking sideswipe into some mud). Sideswipe is impressed and approaches her, but, she doesn’t realize that he’s not an enemy and beats on him. It takes he realizing that the mud is no longer covering his symbol to realize that he’s on her side, Introduces herself as Windblade, and decides that she should go meet the rest of the team.

Everybody loves her (except Strongarm) and she totally has faults and everything like occasionally being wrong. Look, it’s just one episode and all, and there’s no telling what the future holds, but selling a character this hard is kind of annoying. Might just be me. Anyway, according to her, she was sent to Earth in stasis one thousand years ago by Primus himself (ugh), and only woke up a month ago. She’s been fighting the escapees and apparently subsisting off of air and light since then. Which really brings up the question of what she did with the escapees… oh, oh God… did she… did she EAT them? You’re a monster, Windblade! A monster!
She pretty much tells them where their enemy for this episode is. Yes, really. Total honesty, here? That is some Wesley Crusher grade bullshit. I don’t care how cool she looks, there’s a limit to how many of these things you can have a character do before it starts to get really frustrating. Like the kid barely old enough to shave saving the crew of the Enterprise with his science homework because apparently Geordi La Forge and every other character is fucking incompetent compared to him and- I’ve gone on a tangent. I’m sorry. It just drives me nuts.

The Decepticon is a fucking bee. A queen bee. And the toxin she makes allows her to control the minds of anyone affected by it, including every human at the airport she’s taken over. Strongarm winds up getting them captured because she’s sick of Windblade’s shit, and they find out that Zizza (the Decepticon) is willing to kill her captives to hold the bots at bay. Windblade demonstrates her flaw by equating the deaths of a couple of humans as worth it to stop Zizza. Strongarm stops her, and Zizza is convinced that there’s nothing they can do to stop her now, so she just lets them go.

Strongarm comes up with a plan and it involves hive collapse disease and she uses he knowledge of bees to make it. She has most of the team fake an attack on Zizza’s “hive” while she goes looking for a specific truck. Things suddenly get complicated when an actual pilot shows up and tries to land at the airfield. Sideswipe teams up with Windblade to safely disable the planes Zizza has under her control using a little bit of Jet Judo. It turns out that bees, and Zizza as well like it warm. So they cut the power to draw her out of her space heater warmed hangar. Strongarm finally finds the truck she was looking for just as Zizza walks out and attacks her.

Strongarm gets Windblade and Sideswipe to smack Zizza right into the truck. Which, as Strongarm points out, contains cold foam for putting out fires. And every airport has them (well, most of them. Some apparently use water. I didn’t really have time to check). Strongarm makes the collar, and suddenly she’s on better terms with Windblade.
Windblade decides to go off on her own, like any good Sixth Ranger, saying they’ll meet again. Everyone who was mind controlled will wake up with no memory of the event. Probably. Sideswipe is sad to see her go, but Bumblebee maintains that their mission is here.
Man, I didn’t really like this episode of Transformers: Robots in Disguise. Windblade is a bit too “good” if you follow my meaning. And what would possess Zizza to just let them go? And who thought Zizza was a good name?!
Final Thoughts:
- Zizza? Seriously?
- Windblade enjoys her Decepticons with fava beans and a nice Chianti.
- Denny and Russell don’t appear in this one, making this episode one of those rarities in the franchise where the human friend characters don’t even show up.
OMG Windblade is hot. no wonder boys like her. Her and Bumblebee, kiss kiss