Transformers: Robots in Disguise “Brainpower”

Transformers Robots in Disguise - Brainpower-0

Every once in a while, Transformers: Robots in Disguise does a callback to an earlier series. Mostly, it’s just Prime, which is a reminder that I really ought to watch that simply so that I can actually get those references. But this time, it’s special.

When Grimlock messes up the capture of a Minicon, he begins to feel like he’s not as smart as the others. So he crushes Russell’s college fund by accident, because of course Denny has piles of something easily damaged set aside to pay for it. Russell decides that Fixit might be able to help; Fixit points out that he could take the Cybertronian Police Exam, since that’s what each of his teammates had to pass. Grimlock insists that it should be loaded directly into his memory and… he doesn’t do too well with it.

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The answer was a straight line. It took him hours to get it wrong.

Fixit then realizes that usually you have to study for months before taking the exam. Grimlock once again asks for the study materials be loaded directly to his memory. Fixit has the data cylinder all set up, when Bee calls him away to help with one of the pods. Grimlock is too impatient, however, and fiddles around with the cylinder. This causes a large surge and knocks him out.

When he comes to, the others can tell something is up. He’s speaking with words larger than two syllables, and is capable of maths. This is basically a large call back to a G1 episode, with a twist as it mentions the same thing happening in Prime. Grimlock realizes his condition will eventually be fatal thanks to his newfound intelligence, even though Fixit goes to work on finding a way to reverse it.

They get notice that a Decepticon named Simicore is ransacking an experimental energy laboratory. Bee initially wants Grimlock to stay behind, but Grim has none of it and insists on going with them. It was a good choice, because he figured out the keycode to the entrance like a super-thief. He’s less effective when they engage Simicore and his Minicons, Theorem and Axiom.

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It’s like watching a kid play with action figures.

Simicore had raided the place to get ahold of a circuitboard he needed for some experiment or other. Grimlock, realizing that he can’t seem to fight as he usually does, takes advantage of a distraction to steal the circuitboard and run further into the lab. As he does so, he comes to the conclusion that the data has overridden his natural combat instincts. His attempts to sequester himself in a control room only works so far, though. Simicore decides that Grimlock needs motivation to give him what he wants, and decided to strap Bumblebee and Strongarm to the particle accelerator.

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Transformers Robots in Disguise - Brainpower-3
Look, best case scenario? Accidental superpowers. We’re doing science here, people!

Fixit and Denny figured out a way to reverse the data flow, and were already on the way there. They restore Grimlock to his former self, but he’s mostly paralyzed by the treatment, regardless of how quickly he begins to recover. They realize that they need to beat Simicore before the particle accelerator starts up, but Grim’s in no shape to fight. He instead challenges Simicore to a battle of wits.

Simicore starts off swinging with the classic “Train A leaves X city, while Train B leaves Y city” question. Fortunately, Grim seizes upon it being a trick question, since one of the cities happens to be the one Underbite destroyed. Simicore actually accepts it. Grim, finally recovered, asks his question with a body slam.

He has little time left to save Strongarm and Bee. But he does what he does best by smashing down a wall and saving them from becoming the fastest ‘bots alive. Back at the scrapyard, Grim resolves to do things the right way this time and sits down to read the study book from a tablet.

I did not expect a Grimlock’s New Brain reference out of Transformers: Robots in Disguise. The Movie? Sure, that’s practically a given at this point. But it was a nice surprise, actually.

Final Thoughts:

  • Never stake your child’s future on antique toasters.
  • Grim’s biggest mistake was trying to operate the thing with huge fingers.
  • I kind of liked how upper-crust Simicore and his Minicons sounded.

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