Transformers: Robots in Disguise “Battlegrounds, Part 2”

It’s finale time on Transformers: Robots in Disguise. And literally the only time I’ve seen a “previously on” segment for this show. Needless to say, I doubt it will be a common occurrence.

Things pick up right where they left off. Drift actually has the insight to ask Fixit whether the guy right in front of them is the same as Megatron. I think the slightly odd thing is that the Alchemor has any real data on Megatronus at all, but Fixit checks and finds that Megatron named himself after Megatronus, one of the original thirteen and the murderer of Solus Prime. Makes sense, as this is an aligned continuity show.

Bumblebee wants to help Optimus, but Optimus tells him to prioritize freeing his team. Just as he’s about to do that, though, Optimus fires a blast at Megatronus from his sword. Megatronus deflects it right into Bee and Drift, knocking them on their asses. Optimus, even with his big ol’ upgrade, is barely an even match for Megatronus, who uses his telekinesis on him. Megatronus, towering over the prone Optimus, tells him that as both Cybertron and Earth are responsible for his banishment, he will get his revenge on both of them. But not before he gives Optimus some amateur dentistry.

"I am your dentiiiist/ and I enjoy the career that I've picked!/I'm your dentiiiist/and I get off on the pain I inflict!"
“I am your dentiiiist/ and I enjoy the career that I’ve picked!/I’m your dentiiiist/and I get off on the pain I inflict!”

Denny and Russell do their best to get the surrounding area evacuated by posing as filmmakers. They find a local LEO and try to convince him that the animatronics for the film they’re shooting have gone rogue, and the area needs to be evacuated for everyone’s safety. Unfortunately, all he heard was that they’re in the movie biz, and thinks this is his big chance to get his screenplay into capable hands. It takes this guy over half the episode and a destroyed hat for him to realize that they weren’t kidding when they said it was dangerous.

"I'm director Michael Bay. I've loaded this bridge with C4 for the climax (unf) of my movie. I'm going to blow it up because the city said I could. You do the math."
“I’m director Michael Bay. I’ve loaded this bridge with C4 for the climax (unf) of my movie. I’m going to blow it up because the city said I could. You do the math.”

Grimlock steps in to stop Megatronus from giving Optimus the Gurren Lagann treatment, but even his strength is nothing compared to that of the first Decepticon. As Drift has the misfortune of finding out. But his pupils manage to distract Megatronus long enough for Optimus to recover. Optimus flat out tells him that the Primes granted him power for the purpose of defeating him, and Megatronus responds with the news that he too gained power from a source greater than the Primes. They have a brief fight which ends with Megatronus scoring a hit across Optimus’ chest, sending him flying into the shallows and knocking him out. He then turns his attention to the staff Steeljaw was messing around with last episode.

Windblade, however, knows that whatever it is, kittyears absolutely shouldn’t be allowed to have it, and manages to break free of her restraints. Notably, the three of them were tied up separately, which really scores Steeljaw some bonus points. Regardless, Windblade is punching above her weight class here, as all her weaponry really does is tickle Megatronus. He retaliates by knocking her out of the sky, making her 0-2 against terrestrial opposition.

Bee recovers to find that Optimus is down, and rushes to his side over Drift’s protests. Realizing that someone has to do it, Drift goes and frees Strongarm and Sideswipe. Strongarm takes some shots at Megatronus to keep him from the staff, but…

Remember the last time they dealt with a tank? This time doesn't go as well.
Remember the last time they dealt with a tank? This time doesn’t go as well.

As they escape the barrage Megatronus launches at them, Underbite sucker punches them. Megatronus gets hold of the staff, and Steeljaw asks when he’ll get his reward for all of the work he has done for him. Megatronus reveals the double cross at this point; Steeljaw can absolutely have the Earth, after he’s done reducing it to rubble. It’s almost like Stelljaw should have seen this coming, as it Megatronus was some sort of deceptive construct, or “Decepticon” if you will. Oh well. The staff is meant to extract the remains of the AntiSpark from Unicron’s remains in the Earth’s core, giving him the power to extract the AllSpark from Cybertron, fusing the two together and destroying both worlds.

READ:  Lindsay review: "Part Seven" and "Part Eight"

Steeljaw’s sudden rebellion goes poorly. Mostly because Megatronus outclasses everyone there other than Optimus. He orders his army to fight Megatronus; they turn tail and get taken out by the bots. The brief fight only serves the purpose of showing that the Decepticon Hunters cause Strongarm and Sideswipe to glow when crossed.

Optimus is totally okay, because he’s got some overpowered regeneration going on. Steeljaw gets sent blasting off just in time for Optimus and Bumblebee to fight him. Too bad the first blast sends him flying towards the rest of the team. Bee is worried about Optimus, but Strongarm points out that that fight is above their pay grade. Then they realize that using their Decepticon Hunters to replicate the Sword of the Primes and doing the Three Musketeers pose gives them a crazy boost.

All for one and one for… oh whatever, get on with the fight.

Bumblebee manages to contact Optimus covertly, telling him that their plan requires him to maneuver Megatronus under the statue. The distraction of strategizing gives Megatronus an opportunity to try to draw the AllSpark into the staff. Good thing, too. It gives Peter Cullen an opportunity to shout “Never!” as Optimus throws his sword, destroying the staff. Megatronus is super pissed off by this (shocker, right?), which makes him easier to manipulate into the right spot.

The rest of the team don’t rest on their laurels; Sideswipe hacks the arm off the statue as Drift and Windblade some of the remaining Steel cable to pull it away from the statue. Just as Megatronus is about to finish Optimus off, Grimlock gets a good rabbit punch in, followed by a straight right. None of them can do any real damage to him, but with a little finesse, they get him where he needs to be, and the Arm of the statue drops right on him.

Wait a minute...
Wait a minute…

Even that is still not enough to kill him! He lifts the damn thing like he’s Darth Vader or something. It does, however, immobilize him just enough for Bumblebee, Strongarm and Sideswipe to really charge a kamehameha blast to whammy him.

Nothing quite like watching the bad guy get vaporised, is there?
Nothing quite like watching the bad guy get vaporized, is there?

Bumblebee finally finds the correct battle cry and they return to the junkyard with all of Steeljaw’s pack. Minus Steeljaw, of course. Russell asks if they’ll all go back to Cybertron now that the whole reason they came is finished. Bumblebee wouldn’t feel right leaving with Steeljaw at large, and the other share that sentiment. Optimus, on the other hand, believes that he’s not needed. Bumblebee has matured as a leader, and Optimus is proud of that. Bumblebee doesn’t want him to leave, though. After all, he fought Megatronus to a standstill, as well as ending the plot to destroy two worlds with little more than strength and determination. Optimus concedes that he should stay, but not as Bumblebee’s leader; as an equal.

And that ends the season. I have no idea what the future holds, but If Hasbro Studios and their associates can keep this sort of thing going next season, it will be a treat. for fans

Final Thoughts:

  • They clearly spent more of the budget on this episode than on others. There is a noticeable bump in smoothness in this episode
  • I’ll be the first to admit that I have no idea what Unicron is doing in the Earth’s core. Perhaps he just enjoyed a bit too much sensibly priced wine Energon.
  • I do love it when they drop little lines in reference to past generations in newer shows.

Season Rating: 3.75

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