The trailer for ‘Pathologic: The Marble Nest’ makes me uncomfortable

Pathologic: The Marble Nest has me feeling things. To be fair, I’m not all that sure what these feelings are, but I’m feeling them. I have no idea what’s going on in this trailer, but boy, did it grab me and not let go.

The Marble Nest is actually a free teaser spinoff that plays for about 2 hours. And if the small game can keep up the mood and WTF nature of the trailer I’m sold on it. I never head of Pathologic before today, but I’m following all the news now.

IcePick Lodge invite everyone to download and play The Marble Nest, that is dedicated to the same subject as our small study: the limits of human ability. It will give you a fuller understanding of the matter at hand.

My brain feels like it was given the once over with a meat tenderizer. I think I need to lay down for a bit…

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