Trade War Causes China To Block Game of Thrones Finale

Game of Thrones

I literally don’t see this as a loss for the Chinese people.

Well, that, uh… Game of Thrones finale was a… thing, right?

Okay, so it was a fucking dumpster fire. But you don’t have to take my word for it!

They knew!

Well, due to mounting tensions in our ill-planned trade war with China, the finale didn’t air there. Tencent Video, which handles HBO’s distribution in China, didn’t air the finale Monday morning, when it was supposed to run. Instead, they gave an excuse of “transmission medium problems”.

That’s a claim that HBO refutes, however. In a statement to CNN, HBO said that they “had no issue with content delivery.” In a statement to the Wall Street Journal, however, they stated their belief that it was down to the trade war between China and the U.S. currently developing, claiming the Chinese government put the kibosh on the show running as planned.

As far as that goes, however, they might have actually come out ahead for it. Even Bike Cuck would be proud. Because as far as my viewing of the finale was concerned, my disappointment was immeasurable, and my day was ruined. Boy, am I not looking forward to D&D’s Star Wars now.

Game of Thrones

Source: Engadget

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