Tom Clancy’s The Division Announces Free Weekend For PC Players

Tom Clancy’s The Division will kick off a free weekend on Windows PC between September 14th, 2017 and September 17th, 2017. All players will have full access to the base game’s content for the duration of the free weekend. Fun fact: I still have the game in shrink-wrap for Xbox One on my desk here in the office.

New players can start pre-loading the game starting today, September 12th, 2017, on Uplay PC.

In conjunction with this free weekend, there will be discounts on Tom Clancy’s The Division PC Standard and Gold Editions. In addition, players who purchase the game during the free weekend will see all of their progress carry over.

Please visit to register, start pre-loading of the game and get detailed information about the Tom Clancy’s The Division free weekend.

Ubisoft recently announced that Update 1.8 “Resistance”, the second of the two substantial free updates planned for the Year 2 of Tom Clancy’s The Division, would release this autumn. Stay tuned for more information in the following weeks.

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