Titans Releases Two New Images of Robin


Dick Grayson, not age twelve.

DC’s Titans has been slowly ramping up the hype machine. And we’re getting our look at Robin now.

Warner Bros.

Dick Grayson is being played by Brendon Thwaites in Titans. And, honestly, the costume’s probably the best a live-action Robin has ever had. I do have to apologize if that seems to be faint praise, because the bar really is set that low (*cough*bat nipples*cough*). But the costume is on the same level as other live-action DC properties around right now, which means it looks pretty damn good.

Warner Bros.

There are also hints that this iteration of the franchise will be focused around Robin. And that’s a supposition supported by the fact that he’s had the most officially revealed. Granted, we still have the problem of there already being way too many streaming services, so there’s not really any telling how well the platform will allow the show to perform. But Titans seems on track for now. We’ll just have to see when it launches.

Titans launches on DC Universe later this year, with Doom Patrol to follow in 2019.

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