Titanfall Online Cancelled

Titanfall Online

Was aimed at the Asian market.

Titanfall Online was announced way back in 2015. It was intended for the Asian gaming market, Korea in particular, for the PC. And now, it’s gone the way of the dodo.

Titanfall Online
EA, Nexon

Originally, the game was made possible by a collaboration between EA and Nexon Korea. But as time went on, the playtests turned out less impressive results. And, eventually, Nexon made the business decision to stop development of the title. According to a statement by a spokeperson in an article on Game Focus, as translated by Kotaku:

It is true that Nexon and EA have agreed to cancel Titanfall Online under a business decision. After much deliberation, it was decided that reallocating development resources to another project was better for the company.

Source: GameSpot

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