‘Titan Quest Anniversary Edition’ Released on Windows 10 Store

Titan Quest Anniversary Edition was released earlier this year and now THQ Nordic has given us word that the game is finally available on Windows 10 Store.

THQ Nordic are lovely people, but for whatever reason they have seemed to not get the memo about the Windows 10 Store being dead, or still even a thing. Well, it’s a thing if you love really shitty free games with stolen assets and that will probably give you a virus.

Titan Quest Anniversary Edition contains both Titan Quest and Titan Quest: Immortal Throne which have been completely reworked in terms of multiplayer, stability, performance, balancing, AI and much more. In numbers, this translates to roughly 1.261 changes to the original version 10 years ago.

I’d hate to see the sales number on this one, but you never know. There is so little of quality on the storefront that Titan Quest Anniversary Edition will no doubt be a standout that should work well on all systems.

Link to Titan Quest Anniversary Edition on Windows 10 Store: http://n.thq.com/5DrI3076UtB

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