Tim Sweeney Compares Epic Games vs Apple Case To Civil Rights Movement, Gets Dunked On


Smooth moves, Ex Lax.

Tim Sweeney has once again managed to stick his entire foot in his mouth. Recently, he likened Epic’s fight against Apple to the Civil Rights Movement.

It’s everybody’s duty to fight. It’s not just an option that somebody’s lawyers might decide, but it’s actually our duty to fight that. If we had adhered to all of Apple’s terms and, you know, taken their 30% payment processing fees and passed the cost along to our customers, then that would be Epic colluding with Apple to restrain competition on iOS and to inflate prices for consumers. So going along with Apple’s agreement is what is wrong. And that’s why Epic mounted a challenge to this, and you know you can hear of any, and [inaudible] to civil rights fights, where there were actual laws on the books, and the laws were wrong. And people disobeyed them, and it was not wrong to disobey them because to go along with them would be collusion to make them status quo.

Tim Sweeney

Nobody liked that.

I mean, shit, Tim, is this really the hill you want to die on? Most of what you’ve said in regards to the case is speculative at best, but comparing a 30% charge for using their platform to being everything up toquite literally murdered for the color of your skin is, I don’t know, maybe a bit off base?

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Aw, shit, who am I kidding? Epic Game Store still doesn’t have a goddamn cart. This is the man’s theme tune.

Epic Games

Source: PC Gamer

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