Throwback Review: Faith #2

“Throwback Reviews look back at comics readers may have missed”

After reading Faith #2 I’m pretty surprised with this issue. I know we are living in the body revolution era, where we all need to accept the one we have, but a heavy heroine? I thought it wouldn’t have made sense if it wasn’t a comedy because that’s how most of this type of books have been handled in the past.

Surprisingly, it was a story with some pretty cool action scenes, suspense and yes, a little bit of humor here and there. But the plot is what really amazed me, being quite fast-paced and solid. Maybe there are some small things that don’t make sense still, but hey, it’s only issue number two.

There are many classic elements I recognized with little effort: The risky situation, the bad guy’s big speech, and bursting super powers. Didn’t bother me at all as they are comic mainstays, but I felt a little disappointed in terms of originality and creativity. That said, I do think they’re saving the good best ideas for later issues.

I do have my doubts with the villain as they are being presented right now. He seems to be one of those characters that are evil just because they are, like it’s just their nature. However, it will be interesting to see what we can discover later about him and his past as the story fleshed out.

Faith #2

Visually, I admit all of the one-panel-pages impressed the heck out of me. I’m starting to notice this is one of the strongest elements in Valiant comics as a whole. While I’m not always a fan of the art(I do quite a bit) but these spreads add a lot of drama and impact to the books as a whole.

READ:  Faith #5 - Election Special

The inks are soft and clean, very professional, if you ask me. We can clearly see these people had a good time drawing each panel, and that helps the reader to keep going through the pages comfortably, especially when Chris tells his story to Faith.

About the coloring, I can’t say I’m thrilled about it, mostly because of the simple style it uses and the similarity with Samurai Jack. Don’t get me wrong, it looks cool and I do like it a little bit, but as a whole it’s not something that grabs me.

One thing I did like was the fact that the panels didn’t follow a single system. They were different on each page, adding dynamic and an interesting look to the whole issue. I can say I really had a good time reading and enjoying the art because of this.

Faith, in short, is a good mix of old school and modern social issues. It’s not as dramatic as these things tend to be in these cases, but the opposite; It’s active, energetic, with a strong protagonist and cool superpowers. I’ll be waiting to see in some real fight and what happens next. Faith #2 is a book you should keep your eye on!

Find Faith #2 Digital Exclusives Edition on ComiXology here:

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