THQ Nordic Acquires Deep Silver

THQ Nordic

Look at how Nordic’s grown.

Yesterday, THQ Nordic announced that they have acquired Koch Media, the parent company of Deep Silver. The deal was for a whopping €121 million (about $149 million).

This means that THQ Nordic now owns the series Homefront, Saint’s Row, Dead Island, Metro, and much more. Or, in other words, THQ now owns all of the properties it sold off in its 2012 bankruptcy proceedings.

The one nice thing about this is that, well, no one is losing their job, as is the usual in these sorts of deals. THQ Nordic is happy with keeping Koch Media as a separate entity. No restructuring or cost cutting procedures are planned, meaning that everyone stays employed.

THQ Nordic has said that “names of both operational companies, including its publishing units Deep Silver and THQ Nordic, will remain unchanged.”

Source: Polygon

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