Thieves Loot Van Full of Total War: Warhammer 2 Collector’s Editions

Total War: Warhammer 2

If this was 40K, their actions would be considered heresy.

Recently, a van transporting copies of Total War: Warhammer 2 Collector’s Edition was raided by burglars in Milton Keynes, UK. Only 7000 copies of the Serpent God Edition (i.e. the special edition of the game) were made. Nonetheless, Creative Assembly have said not to worry; consumer’s pre-orders shouldn’t be affected by the theft.

We’d like to reassure fans who have pre-ordered their Serpent God Edition that this incident will not affect them receiving their copy. Copies of the game obtained before launch will not be playable until the game is activated at 8am BST on launch day. – Total War Brand Director Rob Bartholemew

On the plus side, the thieves won’t really be able to do anything with the copies they stole until the game launches on September 28. On the other hand, each copy was packed with a bunch of really nice feelies. So, hopefully, the police will have enough time to catch them before the 28th.

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