There’s a Brand New Sega Genesis Game Out


Genesis does!

It’s not exactly unheard of for developers to make games for otherwise “dead” (that is to say, past the end of their manufacturer supported lifespan) systems. One of the more impressive was a port of Mega Man for the Atari 2600. Even the Genesis (or Mega Drive, if you prefer) itself has hosted a new game after its end-of-life; Pier Solar was released for the system in 2010, and a PC release eventually followed.

But back to the topic at hand. Solo developer Matt Phillips has released his new game for the platform: Tanglewood. According to Phillips, he deliberately designed and built the platformer using the original development kit, running on an old Windows 95 PC. And yes, both broke down, requiring repair, more than once.

But, looking at the game, you can’t deny that things turned out well. And don’t worry if you don’t happen to have an old Genesis/Mega Drive or a clone kicking around. The game will eventually make its way to PC. You can download a demo for that version at the game’s official site.

Source: Game Informer

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