The White House Meeting on Video Game Violence

Video Games

What do you think happened?

Well, the White House meeting on Video Game violence happened, with the predictable results. The entire meeting was kicked off with the below supercut of vidya violence, followed by the question of if it seemed violent to attendees.

Which really reminds me of something, but I just can’t put my finger on it…

As for the rest, well, it was the usual back and forth. As expected; a lot of politicians are lawyers, and lawyers don’t stop talking until it’s inescapably apparent that they’ve lost. Then again, the same is true of idiots; they just come at it from a different direction.

The whole thing wound up a mulligan of sorts. But don’t worry! There will be more meetings that don’t go anywhere and really only insult the intelligence of everyone that didn’t get to be there.

Source: PC Gamer

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