The Walking Dead: “Knots Untie”

Is The Walking Dead finding its groove again? Margaux and I discuss the possibility.

Trevor: It was strange watching The Walking Dead after watching the Oscars; I was (and am) so dazed by Mark Rylance’s inexplicable victory that I’m not sure how much I actually processed. So before we get into the meat of “Knots Untie,” let me ask you: do Abe and Sasha work for you? I’m inclined to say they work for me, but with the reveal that Abe is still involved with Rosita (and that Rosita is still a character on this show) I have to say, the last thing that TWD needs is a love triangle. But Michael Cudlitz and Sonequa Martin-Green are fun to watch together, so I’m torn.

Margaux: I do feel a little Rylance’d by the Abe-Sasha-Rosita triangle, it seems forced – like a C-story arc for a different show. The only reason the Shane-Lori-Rick one worked for me was because of their shared history, maybe if Rosita and Sasha interacted more, I’d buy into it. But as it is now, I honestly (sort of) forgot the show was attempting to set that up, that’s how invested I am. Which is to say, I barely am. The only couple I wanna ship on The Walking Dead is Richonne, even all the Maggie and Glenn and this impending baby burden make three kind of killed the mood (and momentum) of “Knots Untie.”

Trevor: Definitely an episode of peaks and valleys. For a minute there, it looked like “Knots” wanted to delve deeper into Abe’s psyche, which I’d be okay with because I find him fascinating, and the show more or less relegates him to badass comic relief. Like Daryl with a sense of humor. But maybe with the resolution of the DC arc, the show figures it’s done with Abe and his stupid arc. It shouldn’t dangle carrots then.

Margaux: Out of all of the new relationships the show is trying build in Alexandria, romantic and otherwise, I really like Denise and Daryl, though I would like to see more Carol and Aaron. It’s gonna SUCK for all three of them when Daryl enviably dies in the finale this season.

Trevor: So I suppose we should talk about the main point of “Knots Untie,” which was the introduction of Jesus’s community Hilltop, its leader Gregory (Xander Berkeley), and the connection to Negan and the Saviors. Does this work for you? I worry that when The Walking Dead introduces new communities, it’s just a matter of time before war breaks out between them and the group. This happened with Woodbury, Terminus, and (briefly) with Alexandria. It might be too much of the same.

Margaux: It’s just all so very convenient; Hilltop has a doctor who was an OB-GYN, they’re just as (if not more so) useless at fending for themselves than the Alexandrians, and Rick’s group has experience turning wusses into bad asses.  Hilltop has crops and supplies that Rick’s group could use and vise versa. Setting Negan up as sort of mob boss is a smart way of building tension and suspense, and all those one-liner, subtle nods to Negan’s infamous bat Lucille was good writing! Gold star Walking Dead; “Right off the bat” “going to bat for you,” etc. What bugs me most, besides Jesus’s beard weave, is how eager a pregnant Maggie is to volunteer the group to free Hilltop from Negan and his Saviors grasp. It’s like, does no one ever learn a lesson? Like literally, any lesson they’ve gotten over the course of six seasons? REMEMBER THE GOVERNOR YOU GUYS?! I know half blind Carl is suddenly good at everything, but we all know Glenn is on borrowed time.

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Trevor: It says a lot about TWD this season that I keep forgetting Maggie is pregnant. Apparently the time jump was long enough for Rick and Michonne to move in together, but not long enough for her to start showing a baby bump. I like the idea of Negan shaking down Hilltop for supplies, and it’s a clever way to put Rick’s group back in his crosshairs. People have said that Daryl blowing up everyone will put him on Negan’s bad side, but who’s going to tell Negan? Everyone who blew up? So this way, at least there’s an organic reason for these two to cross paths again.

What “Knots Untie” did successfully was start to build up Negan. It’s obvious now that Rick and Maggie are massively underestimating him, and the episode really hammered that home by showing just how far people will go to avoid his wrath. I mean, a Hilltop resident tried to kill Gregory at Negan’s behest. This led to a fight scene that was half gnarly, half hilarious, if only for how quickly it broke out. Rick is always down to get down.

Margaux: Rick went from totally normal guy to completely covered in blood in record time, it was sort of impressive. I hope this doesn’t mean we’re gonna get “Rick has lost mind. Again” season, but I don’t think so. Though that might not remain true by the end of this season because it sounds like, to borrow from The Wire, if you’re coming for the King you best come correct. I don’t feel super confident that Rick and company know how to do that, but at least they have one RPG left to use, which might just give away Daryl’s position in the whole exploded bikers thing. Either way, it was nice to finally get some forward momentum by finally advancing the fucking plot, no matter how incremental it was in “Knots Untie.” I’m excited to see Jeffery Dean Morgan take on Negan, but think there’s still some unfinished business in Alexandria that needs to be wrapped up, and you know there’s going to be an entire episode dedicated to them plotting their plan of attack. One step forward, twelve steps back, that’s The Walking Dead way.

Trevor: It was surprising enough that I actually made a note of it. Note to TWD: “advancing the plot” shouldn’t be a noteworthy achievement. It should just be, you know, what you do. This isn’t Seinfeld; you need something to actually happen. When and if we’ll see Negan is unknown (my guess is the end of the season, sadly), but “Knots Untie” gave us something to look forward to – and dread. For the first time in a while, I’m intrigued. You wanna talk stars?

Margaux: Now that you point it out, last week’s episode must have been their homage to Seinfeld. But as for this weeks episode, I hope it marks the beginning of more forward momentum and some much needed renewed energy from our main cast character, guess they needed to given a purpose or a mission. So, here we go, don’t fuck it up you guys! Giving “Knots Untie” a hopeful 4 stars.

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