The U.S. proposes 25% tax on video game console imports

If you aren’t aware, and you probably should be, the United States is currently engaged in a trade war with China. Both sides have gone back and forth on demands, but in the end it’s regular people who aren’t filthy rich who are suffering.

The trade war has now shifted hard into the technology sector and we are all about to get hit in the pocketbooks. The Office of the United States Trade Representative has released a list of potential import taxes on goods and video game consoles are on the list.

These new tariffs could become official within the next month, lining up nicely alongside the E3 convention that we will be at. No doubt those tariffs will be on the mind of publishers on hand.

President Trump is expected to meet with Chinese President Xi Jinping at the end of June for a summit in Japan. No words on if tariffs will go into effect prior to this meeting to be used as leverage, or if they will en enacted after if the summit fails.

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