The Ridiculous Cost Of The Sum Of Mortal Kombat 11’s Character Skins

Mortal Kombat 11


Mortal Kombat 11 released earlier this week. And there sure are a lot of skins in the game. Roughly 60 for each of the game’s 23 characters! And, if you want all of those skins, you’re going to be playing for a while. Or, more likely, paying quite a bit for them.

Redditor AccomplishedPoet8 did the math, and the cost to buy all of those skins is astronomical. You would pay $6,440 to get all of the currently available skins. Granted, the game gives you four skins per character for doing the various tutorials, story mod, and towers with that character. But that still leaves 56 skins per character unobtained. And this is just skins; that number doesn’t account for unlockable fatalities, brutalities, gear or consumables.

These skins can, however be unlocked just by playing the game. They can also be bought using Time Krystals, the in-game currency. Time Krystals can also be earned by playing, but it takes a long time to earn them. It takes 500 Krystals to buy a new skin from the store, and $5 gets you just that number of crystals. That said, there’s no saying as to whether you’d be able to get the skin you want; the store rotates the 5 available skins out every 6-8 hours with a new set of 5.

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According to AccomplishedPoet8, though, earning the amount of Time Krystals necessary to buy everything just from playing might just cost you an equivalent in time, perhaps even more than $6,440 worth. According to him, he’d earned 760 Time Krystals after playing for about 4 hours. Assuming those numbers remain consistent, it would take you 3,390 hours to earn the 644,000 Time Krystals necessary to unlock all of the skins currently in the game.

So great job, guys! I actually had to double-check to make sure EA didn’t have a hand in this!

Source: VG 24/7

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