The PSP is trending on Twitter because batteries are bursting

Who would have guessed that the original Sony PSP would get trending over on Japanese Twitter, with the news beginning to spill over to Twitter over here in the West.

It seems that over this past weekend Japanese gamers starting to notice that the PSP 1000 and its later slim variants are beginning to show serious signs of battery swelling, and in some instances even bursting from the inside out.

While it might seem weird that PSP batteries are bulging and popping at seemingly the same time it should be noted that lithium batteries do experience this sort of thing over time, especially if they have been left in a piece of kit to slowly drain away.

If you head over to Twitter you will find lots of users sharing photos of their PSP units popping open. This is the most attention the original PSP has garnered in quite some time, even if it isn’t the best of news.

Do yourself a favor and go check your PSP and see what sort of damage it might be facing. And if your PSP battery is in good shape pull it out of the console. Remember to always remove your batteries and battery packs from your electronics if they are going to be sitting away for long periods of time.

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Even if your battery is not in your console it could burst so just keep those things stored safely away someplace until you want to play some Metal Gear Acid again.

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