The Pokémon Company Unveils Pokémon Sleep To Make Sleeping Fun

Pokémon Sleep

Sleep, a.k.a. that thing you’re not getting enough of if you’re me.

The Pokémon Company recently showed off a new Pokémon-themed app, Pokémon Sleep, meant to make sleeping more fun, at its Tuesday press conference.

The app tracks your sleeping habits and adjusts its gameplay to match. Essentially, the idea is for it to do for sleeping what Pokémon Go did for walking. The app is also compatible with a new Pokémon Go Plus+ device that was announced at the same event. The device is meant to be kept nearby while you’re sleeping, and will communicate with the app over Bluetooth.

Few details were released about Pokémon Sleep, but it is planned for a 2020 release. So you know, sleep as best you can until then, I guess.

Source: Variety

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