The Legend Of Zelda: Skyward Sword HD Locks Fast Travel Behind Amiibo

The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword HD
The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword HD

Even I think that’s rank, and I’m one of the 5 people that actually like Skyward Sword back in the day.

The summer’s a bumper for adventure on the Nintendo Switch this year, even if those adventures aren’t really necessarily new. And The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword HD is hitting the system in July, with some changes for the flipper handed babies that couldn’t figure out how the motion controls worked. And they’re even, thankfully, tossing in fast travel…

…as long as you have the Amiibo!

In the original game, your only option when you needed to go between good old Terra Firma and the sky islands (say, if you needed to craft something or refill a bottle) was to hoof it back to a loftwing statue. This was time consuming, and also sucked, so having fast travel at your fingertips to let you do so anywhere (even in a dungeon) is really great. What isn’t great is that you need the Zelda & Loftwing Amiibo to access this feature, which makes the statue’s $25 MSRP sting just a little more.

And it’s worth keeping in mind, while this is far from the most expensive Amiibo Nintendo have put out, it is one of the most game changing. While they’ve put out expensive Amiibos for (those Yoshi’s Woolly World ones come to mind) they weren’t locking away actual game features behind them; their benefits were mostly ancillary, and provided a small benefit (some powerups, tops) over provably saving you hours of time over the course of your playthrough.

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Note that The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword HD is also set to be sold for a full $60. So, to fully enjoy the features of this game, you’re going to be paying $85 for a remaster of a decade-old game. And that’s assuming you get hands on one of these things before the scalpers do.


Source: Gamespot

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