The Hateful Eight DVD Screener Leaked Online

The Hateful Eight

The Hateful Eight is sure to do gangbusters over Christmas, but some eager “fans” have already seen the film thanks to a DVD screener copy being uploaded online. This isn’t some shaky cam from the back row of a theater either, what we have is a DVD quality rip of the official film. These sort of things do happen from time to time, and I posit that the pirating movies issues is an internal problem from the studios themselves. I mean, how else do these things make their way online?

Still, what is interesting is that the FBI (stealing movies is serious business) traced the films leak to none other than Andrew Kosove. That name may not ring a bell right away, but Kosove is the  co-CEO of Alcon Entertainment, a major production company that often works with Warner Bros. The FBI has learned that a copy of the film was sent directly to his office, and was signed for by an office assistant working there. Kosove is claiming that he never received a copy of the film, so it would be safe to assume that someone within his office got a hold of it and uploaded a copy to the internet for sharing.

Early reports are claiming that the movie was downloaded somewhere between 200,000 and 600,000 times in its first day up. A cursory search on Facebook will show posts of a great many people claiming they have already seen the film. One wonders if these people who steal films that haven’t been releases, thus breaking the law, care that they are blatantly advertising their crimes? Still, if you want to see it you can probably find it, but we will stick to watching it on the big screen as intended.

READ:  The Hateful Eight begins filming in November

Via: (TheHollywoodReporter)


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