The Fan-made Bowsette Amiibo


Keep your hands where I can see ’em, nerds!

The Bowsette meme really shows no signs of stopping. But one thing, which you would’ve likely seen in years past, was missing. Until now: a custom made Bowsette Amiibo.


Twitter user GandaKris set out to make her very own custom Bowsette Amiibo. And it’s safe to say she succeeded. She even included a tutorial:

Well, that turned out pretty good. Wonder where the Bowsette meme is heading next…

Serial sexual harasser and liposuction addict Momokun in a sub-$40 “Bowsette cosplay“.

…aaaaaaaand it’s dead. Discard everything in the provided bins on the way out of the theater. Peace out.

Source: Gamebyte

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