Keep your hands where I can see ’em, nerds!
The Bowsette meme really shows no signs of stopping. But one thing, which you would’ve likely seen in years past, was missing. Until now: a custom made Bowsette Amiibo.

Twitter user GandaKris set out to make her very own custom Bowsette Amiibo. And it’s safe to say she succeeded. She even included a tutorial:
How to Make a #Bowsette #CustomAmiibo is LIVE@NintendoAmerica
Fanart by Kuroko_14
— ɢᴀɴᴅᴀᴋʀɪs (@MissGandaKris) September 25, 2018
Well, that turned out pretty good. Wonder where the Bowsette meme is heading next…

…aaaaaaaand it’s dead. Discard everything in the provided bins on the way out of the theater. Peace out.