The EON ‘Super 64’ brings and upscales your Nintendo 64 to HD TVs

The Super 64, from the makers of the critically acclaimed GCHD Mk-II, is an HDMI adapter worthy of our favorite retro console, the Nintendo 64. With no external power source or risky console modifications required, the Super 64 attaches to the N64 like it was always meant to be there, connecting to modern TVs via HDMI with no input lag.

Relive the games of yesteryear just as we remember them, or better thanks to upscaled 480p that boasts twice the resolution of the original console’s video output. Seriously.

“Slick Mode” enables retro fans to relive the triumphs of yesteryear with even smoother visuals, rounding out jagged edges for a sharper image that makes classics look better than ever. Through EON’s careful attention to detail, the Super 64 boasts the truest representation of color to create the most faithful N64 experience supplanting efforts of typical cable upgrades.

The EON Super 64 hits North American consoles with a blast from the past on July 22, 2019, available now for preorder via CastleMania.

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