The Announced Games For E3 2015


GAMbIT Magazine will once again be at the E3 expo (the magic of living and working in Southern California) with a much larger team to give you even more in-depth coverage. Below you will find a list of all the games that have been confirmed to be at the show in some shape or form. This is where you guys come in!

What coverage would you like to see with what games? Unlike the giant corporate outlets we will be giving a lot of focus to smaller games as much as we do the big AAA titles. Since we don’t get paid by anyone, we are free to see and do what we want, so chime in below in the comments and we will start making our list.

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Did we miss a game that you know will be at the show? Are you a publisher/developer that wants to sit down and join the podcast at the show? Drop us an email at [email protected] or leave us a comment below.

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