That Tetris movie is going to be a trilogy because film is dead

We’ve reported on Larry Kasanoff (Food Fight) and his desire to turn things that don’t need to be turned into movies, into, well, movies. Tetris is one of those things, and ignoring the fact that Pixels was already a bomb, he seems to think that the problem with that film was that it had more than Tetris going on. Sure, whatever, I guess.

Speaking with Empire (a respected entertainment magazine that was apparently having a slow month) Kasanoff stated that Tetris will be a trilogy of films “because the story we conceived is so big. This isn’t us splitting the last one of our eight movies in two to wring blood out of the stone. It’s just a big story.”

In the history of great trilogies we now have Star Wars, The Godfather, Lord of The Rings, The Evil Dead, The Dollars Trilogy, Nolan’s Batman Trilogy, Aliens, and now Tetris!

So, yeah… Film is dead.

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