A Tetris movie is coming from the people that brought us Food Fight…

Tetris movie

You know how Pixels was a big hit with fans and critics alike? Of course you don’t because that movie was a pile of hot garbage. Still, that isn’t stopping Threshold Entertainment from taking a stab at the video game move adaptation.

Deadline is reporting that the film will begin shooting  next year in China and will be a co-production between the countries. This joint venture will also see a mix of both Western and Chinese actors.

The film has an $80 million budget to play with which would seem better spent making a couple new Tetris titles. Let’s get things out-of-the-way and say that this movie is going to stink.

I’m pretty comfortable saying that because this project is coming from the famed studio that brought us a bunch of terrible Mortal Kombat videos from the mid 90s, and the legendary bad Food Fight…

Look up any Food Fight! review on YouTube and prepare to kiss any goodwill Tetris had goodbye.

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