Tesla Partnering with Home Depot to Make Solar Mainstream


Praise the sun!

Tesla has a nice deal in the works which may just make solar even bigger than it is right now. They’ll be partnering with The Home Depot, who will carry their line of Solar Roof panels and the PowerWall at 800 of their locations nationwide. Naturally, Tesla will have a space in the stores, staffed by their employees to help with sales and additional related services.


While the store rollout is less than half of The Home Depot’s stores in total, it wouldn’t exactly be a surprise if the displays were rolled out further if proven successful. And it’s probably the largest retail rollout Tesla’s ever had, anyway. Their displays will be roughly 12 feet tall and 7 feet wide, with some of them having visual demonstrations of Tesla products.


Tesla’s Solar Roof panels are unique in the market, as they mimic existing contemporary roofing materials. They come in four styles, so that you can (hopefully) find an aesthetic match. Not to mention the fact that they work with their PowerWall2, which stores the energy they generate.

Source: TechCrunch

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