Terraria Creator Cancels Stadia Port In Response To Being Locked Out Of Google Account For No Discernible Reason


Don’t worry, Stadians. You’ll still be getting… uh…

In the wake of having a Google Account tied to, well… basically everything he used disabled for no known reason, Terraria co-creator Andrew Spinks has announced that the game won’t be coming to Stadia. Mostly, because he can’t reconcile why they’d do that in the first place.

About three weeks ago, Re-Logic’s YouTube channel got taken down for no given reason. They had received a TOS violation notice, which was odd as they hadn’t posted anything in several months. A few days after that, the account was disabled. While the YouTube account was eventually found to be still up and available, the associated google email account, which just happens to be Spinks’ personal account, has itself been disabled. Effectively, this means that not only can they no loner access this perfectly fine YouTube channel (the email needs to be valid, natch), all of Spinks’ emails, as well as thousands of dollars of apps purchased from Google’s store, are now gone. Not to mention all the links to their overall business it had.

We have not added anything new to our only YT channel (RelogicGames) in several months. However, we randomly received an email saying there was a tos violation but that it was likely accidental and as such, the account would receive no strikes.

Three days later, the entire Google account (YT, Gmail, all Google apps, even every purchase made over 15 years on Google Play Store) was disabled with no warning or recourse. This account links into many business functions and as such the impact to us is quite substantial.

With us not having uploaded anything recently, all of our previous videos being still up – and not being made aware of anything new or untoward by our massive community (and they would let us know), we are sitting here with a huge access issue out of the blue.

The youtube account does appear to be still active, as you say but we can no longer access it. The gmail account is the one which was closed as a result, and which we are unable to access.

And to compound things, Google has given him the usual bull.

READ:  Google gives $6 credit to all Chromecast users

He can’t even finish watching The Lord of the Rings because of this shit!


This, of course, means war.


This is, naturally, not a great look for the, um… burgeoning (?) platform that is Google’s Stadia. Especially as Terraria has been a practically evergreen game since its launch with over 30 million in sales. Doubly so, as Google recently announced that they’d be closing all of their studios working on exclusives for their platform. Considering how big the game is in the indie scene, it wouldn’t exactly be surprising to see other devs get a bit shy to deal with them.

Source: PC Gamer

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