We played Team Sonic Racing at E3 2018

Super Sonic Racing

I was able to get a bit of hands-on time with Team Sonic Racing the first day of E3. So now doubt you’re wondering how it was.

Honestly, It’s not like other racing games I’ve played, especially kart racers. It was definitely good, though.

For one thing, there really is an emphasis on the team aspect of the game. Swapping items between team members on the fly adds a dimension to the race. But the most interesting part is that your individual end rank is not necessarily indicative of where your team ends up.

Say for example, you’re like I was and thought you could do without reading the controls and realize all too late that the layout was not how you thought it would be.

You eventually make up for lost time, but individually, you (like me) wind up in only 5th place. If your team, overall, however, did well, they can make up for your failures. My team didn’t do well, but it did better than most of the rest, earning us second place.

So it’s very possible to win by being a good teammate and taking care of threats, even if your performance is bad. I’m very interested in seeing where the game will go now that I’ve had a first- hand experience.

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I’d argue Team Sonic Racing is worth keeping an eye on.

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