The Flash “Running to Stand Still”
Well, we at least get to see a bit more about why Harry’s on Earth 1 in this weeks episode of The Flash. Zoom roughs him up pretty good at….
Well, we at least get to see a bit more about why Harry’s on Earth 1 in this weeks episode of The Flash. Zoom roughs him up pretty good at….
This episode of The Flash and tomorrow’s episode of Arrow are being used to set up Legends of Tomorrow. Which is fine; it already seems to be shaping up to….
I’m actually sort of disappointed with The Flash this week. Not from the name; it’s an obvious pun, sure, but that really doesn’t enter into anything. I’m disappointed that the….
Last week on The Flash, they caught Dr. Light (and not that nefawious Dr. Wahwee). They had a bad plan to catch Zoom using her. How do you think it….
After last week’s episode of The Flash, we’ve been left in the lurch. We had no clue what was up with Earth 2’s Harrison Wells. He sure did spend a….
The ending last week on The Flash left Dr.Stein practically comatose and the arrival of Harrison Wells (?) ambiguous. We also got the joy of meeting Francine, Joe’s ex and….
So, one of the things I skipped talking about last week on The Flash was how Joe’s not in fact a widower. Important this week, because his ex wife really….
Picking up right where we left off, you have Jay Garrick somehow in the newly protected STAR Labs. Everyone is suspicious. And his assertion that their world is in deep….
Well, it’s been six months, and The Flash is back for the fall season. And they left things on such a cliffhanger! Which is why what they did, while necessary,….
Adam Copeland, better known to wrestling fans as Edge, will be returning to television. He will be trading in his wrestling tights for some superhero ones. The former WWE World….
Oh man, this is it. The first season finale of CW’s The Flash. They managed to stuff an hour with so much stuff, it’s crazy. They’ve kept Wells in the….
It’s getting down to it. We’re just a few episodes away from the season finale of The Flash. And this episode was chock full of good stuff. This time, the….