The Flash “Gorilla Warfare”
I’m actually sort of disappointed with The Flash this week. Not from the name; it’s an obvious pun, sure, but that really doesn’t enter into anything. I’m disappointed that the….
I’m actually sort of disappointed with The Flash this week. Not from the name; it’s an obvious pun, sure, but that really doesn’t enter into anything. I’m disappointed that the….
Last week on The Flash, they caught Dr. Light (and not that nefawious Dr. Wahwee). They had a bad plan to catch Zoom using her. How do you think it….
After last week’s episode of The Flash, we’ve been left in the lurch. We had no clue what was up with Earth 2’s Harrison Wells. He sure did spend a….
The ending last week on The Flash left Dr.Stein practically comatose and the arrival of Harrison Wells (?) ambiguous. We also got the joy of meeting Francine, Joe’s ex and….
So, one of the things I skipped talking about last week on The Flash was how Joe’s not in fact a widower. Important this week, because his ex wife really….
I’m worried that four seasons in, Arrow is starting to show its age. For instance, do we still need that intro? The show is getting close to its hundredth episode, is there….
So Mari has been left to die on the plains by her eeeeevil sister. And this is the point at which you’d figure that she’d be experiencing a fever dream….
So bad lady had Mari at gunpoint. She makes her very reasonable demand for the totem once again. Mari’s response? Sure, fuck it, you can have it if you give….
Things pick up right where they left off: Mari running from The Flash and The Arrow. We finally get to see the entire scene that the series started on before….
So Mari went home and decided to show Chuck just how magic her necklace is. It starts with her channeling an elephant to lift the kitchen table one-handed. Which is….
This episode starts off right where the last left off; Not-Dad on the ground, armed muggers advancing on Mari. The mugger tells her again that he wants the necklace. This….
So, DC’s Vixen is a thing. And it’s happening primarily on CW’s Seed app, which I’d never heard of until I was told about it. It really just seems to….