The Flash “Trajectory”
The Flash came back just in time for the Supergirl crossover they’ve been setting up. Everything came roughly around the same time, too. Almost like they’d planned it that way….
The Flash came back just in time for the Supergirl crossover they’ve been setting up. Everything came roughly around the same time, too. Almost like they’d planned it that way….
The Flash promised us some more King Shark last week, and they delivered. Along with as many Jaws related jokes as they could reasonably cram into an hour long program…..
Part 2 picks up with our cadre of comrades looking to break out their friends that were captured by Vandal Savage in the 80s. The show opens up with Dr…..
The Flash picks up right where it left off last week; Barry caught, zoom aware of Harry’s presence, and a whole bunch of dead Earth-2 counterparts. Why, it’s almost like….
“You want us to break into the Pentagon? Sounds awesome.” – Heatwave This week on DC Legends of Tomorrow we see the team jump forward to 1986 right smack in….
The Flash promised Earth-2, and it delivered Earth-2. And gave us a few references. And a twist or two for good measure. Barry goes around shutting all of the breaches….
Episode three is a very important episode for the new DC Legends of Tomorrow -and I’m not talking about it from a story perspective. I mean that from a pacing….
We now have official word that The Flash and Supergirl are crossing over this March. Barry Allen will be making his way to National City to probably butt heads, and then be….
So, what does Eobard Thawne have to do with this episode? Timeline shenanigans, that’s what. See, last week dropped the fact that he shows up despite being very dead on….
The Flash came back from Winter hiatus just as strong as ever. It’s really nice how consistent it is on a weekly basis. Things start with Barry having nightmares of….
Well, we at least get to see a bit more about why Harry’s on Earth 1 in this weeks episode of The Flash. Zoom roughs him up pretty good at….
This episode of The Flash and tomorrow’s episode of Arrow are being used to set up Legends of Tomorrow. Which is fine; it already seems to be shaping up to….