You Can Get Your Very Own Robotic Stormtroopers
These are the droids you’re looking for! Thanks to UBTECH, you can now secure your galactic domination with their First Order Stormtrooper robots. Their 16-inch tall Stormtrooper robots. They can’t….
These are the droids you’re looking for! Thanks to UBTECH, you can now secure your galactic domination with their First Order Stormtrooper robots. Their 16-inch tall Stormtrooper robots. They can’t….
Time to do things the high ground way. Star Wars: Battlefront 2 (the original, 2005 game, not the new one) has been without official multiplayer for about 3 years. When….
He will give us member berries all over again. It’s official: J.J. Abrams will write and direct Star Wars Episode IX. Things were uncertain for a while after Colin Trevorrow….
Boy, that escalated quickly. Remember back when Disney said that their movies were going to be on their streaming service, rather than Netflix? And how they hadn’t yet decided on….
Wow, this keeps happening. Yes, Lucasfilm just announced that Colin Trevorrow is no longer directing Star Wars Episode IX. Via Lucasfilm and Colin Trevorrow have mutually chosen to part….
Now you, too, can have the high ground. Augmented Reality has taken something of a backseat to Virtual Reality’s resurgence, recent of late. But Lenovo’s trying to change that with….
Itsu ovaa, Anakin! I have the high guroundo! Aside from the current trilogy, Disney’s been champing at the bit to get side films set in the Star Wars universe going…..
Congrats, stormtroopers; you were finally accurate in the worst way. It’s been around five years since Operation Raccoon City launched, along with controversy. And, as it turns out, that is….
Now THIS is podracing. Recently a number of scientific journals were subject to a sting. One of Galactic proportions, as a matter of fact. One brave hero of the rebellion….
After watching that video, you now have diabetes. Among the announcements at SDCC, Toys”R”Us‘s exclusive Landspeeder made a splash. Unfortunately for adult fans of Star Wars, it only holds 130….
Chris Miller and Phil Lord were, supposedly, fired from the untitled Han Solo film this week over creative differences. This, of course, left an obvious gap, as the film is….
E3 started early EA got their press conference out of the way a full 3 days before E3 begins proper. that’s some dedication. To be honest, I’m not a huge….