Star Trek Discovery Casts Their Spock
Fascinating. Per The Hollywood Reporter, Star Trek: Discovery has cast their Spock. Ethan Peck has been tapped to fill those legendary shoes. Alex Kurtzman on the announcement: Through 52 years….
Fascinating. Per The Hollywood Reporter, Star Trek: Discovery has cast their Spock. Ethan Peck has been tapped to fill those legendary shoes. Alex Kurtzman on the announcement: Through 52 years….
Contract negotiations, eh? According to The Hollywood Reporter, Chris Pine and Chris Hemsworth have walked away from Star Trek 4. They were in negotiations to be in the film, but….
Engage! It’s totally happening, guys. According to Deadline, Patrick Stewart will reprise his role as Captain Jean Luc Picard in a new Star Trek series. The new series was revealed….
Engage. After the ouster of former Star Trek: Discovery showrunners Gretchen Berg and Aaron Harberts, Alex Kurtzman was chosen to replace them. And he brings with him a cornucopia of….
Deep Space Nine did a lot to change the world of Star Trek, placing the action on a station and letting the stories come to them as opposed to finding….
Even as a teenager, he had that voice. Wow. It’s not exactly a secret that Seth MacFarlane’s a fan of Star Trek. Not only was he in a small role….
I just phasered Marvin in the face. Captain Picard retired to his vineyard a while ago. But Patrick Stewart is more that willing to bring the character back. Well, assuming….
The Enterprise could have ended the War of the Worlds like it was nothing. In Please Stand By, Dakota Fanning plays a young woman with autism and a dream. To….
“Your illogical use ‘what’ is a source of severe irritation.“ This one seems to be coming out of left field. Quentin Tarantino is working with JJ Abrams on a Star….
Star Trek: Discovery is a show that had a lot of people worried with its loss of showrunner and constant delays. Well, the show is finally here almost ten-months behind….
Remind me; how many red flags are we up to, now? Star Trek: Discovery has had a long, twisted road to getting made. It doesn’t help that CBS has decided….
Today, Perfect World Entertainment Inc., a leading publisher of free-to-play MMORPGs, and Cryptic Studios announced LeVar Burton from Star Trek: The Next Generation will join the free-to-play MMORPG, Star Trek Online. The legendary Star Trek actor will voice….