Which Horror Movie Slasher Are You?
Are you more a Jason or maybe you channel a bit more Kruger than you’d like to admit. Or maybe you’re one of the lesser slashers because you’re too cool….
Are you more a Jason or maybe you channel a bit more Kruger than you’d like to admit. Or maybe you’re one of the lesser slashers because you’re too cool….
What sort of person are you? Are you tough enough to take down a Titan, or are you going to be eaten like last nights leftovers? Or maybe you might….
Do you fancy yourself a Pokemon master? Well, test your knowledge and see if you can correctly name each of these Pokemon from their silhouette alone. Let us know your….
Unlike most of the attractions at the Mystery Shack, this quiz is free– and it works!
Kanto is the best region, but we may be biased as we can remember the days when the Pokemon games weren’t even in color. But with so many different games….
The Sonic family is a big on, and while most people see themselves as the chilidog stuffing Sonic, chances are you’re more a Flicky than anything. But rather than guess,….
Let’s take a trip back in time to find out which classic Cartoon Network best matches you! Are you more Cow or Chicken; a bit Ed, Edd or Eddy; or….
There was no other time more glamorous than that of the golden age of Hollywood. With that came so many amazing actresses that changes the landscape of modern film. But….
Are you more of a A-lister like Lex Luthor or are you more of a Z-Lister like Codpiece? Take the quiz below and find out what DC villain fits you….
They say that the Marvel Cinematic Universe has a villain problem, but we don’t really buy it. But if you look into the whole of the Marvel comic universe you’ll….
All women are goddesses, but just which goddess are you exactly? All men are gods, but which one best suits your mood? There are a pantheon of gods and this….
Supernatural has been around for ages over on the CW and that means that the show has built up a huge cast of main characters. Now if your chance to….