METAL MAX Xeno coming to PS4 this fall
NIS America is happy to announce that METAL MAX Xeno will launch on PS4. This year marks the 25th anniversary of the Metal Max franchise. I’ve never heard of the series myself, but 25….
NIS America is happy to announce that METAL MAX Xeno will launch on PS4. This year marks the 25th anniversary of the Metal Max franchise. I’ve never heard of the series myself, but 25….
If there ever was a killer app for the PlayStation 4, God of War is it. There is no doubt from the reviews coming in that the new God of….
Farm with friends. Unfortunately for the blue bear, he has none. According to creator Eric Barone on twitter, Stardew Valley may well have multiplayer by as soon as next month…..
In a highly Irregular format. The entire Mega Man X series will be coming to current systems in two separate parts. Mega Man X Legacy Collection Part 1 will have….
Super Daryl Deluxe, the RPGvania with a brawler-style combat system and hand-drawn comic aesthetic from Dan & Gary Games, awkwardly introduces itself today on Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4 and PC. Welcome to….
Tom Clancy’s ontological inertia. Ubisoft has continued to support Ghost Recon Wildlands. And for year two of said support, they have a treat for Tom Clancy fans. That’s because Sam….
Can’t wait for the Concussion DLC Game Informer had a fair bit of info about the upcoming Spider-Man game. Namely that, regardless of which version of the system you’re playing….
The Iconic Purple Dragon is Fully Remastered, All Scaled Up and Just in Time to Celebrate His 20th Anniversary. Spyro is all scaled up and ready to burn some butts in Spyro….
Scream “I need healing” in Japanese. Remember when I said Uprising was coming back to Overwatch this year? Well, I was technically wrong. Which is the worst kind of wrong,….
Those Orcs will never stop talking now. You might remember how Middle Earth: Shadow of War had a bit of trouble with that whole microtransaction mess. Well, those days are….
Get pumped! Guacamelee! was a damn fine Metroidvania game. So much so, that it’s definitely on the list of my favorite Metroidvanias, at the least. So you can imagine how….
This April, my friends. It’s crazy how fast a year can go by. It almost feels like Overwatch‘s Lunar New Year Event just ended (all I got was a Widowmaker….