Sega Announces New Mini Console, This Time Featuring Games From The Sega CD
What are you waitin’ for, Nintendo to make one? We all liked those mini consoles that, oddly enough, Nintendo popularized and then stopped doing. But out of all of them,….
What are you waitin’ for, Nintendo to make one? We all liked those mini consoles that, oddly enough, Nintendo popularized and then stopped doing. But out of all of them,….
All thanks to Analogue’s Mega Sg. Sometimes, games just don’t get released, even when they’re practically done. And that’s what happened to DICE’s Hardcore. A run-and-gun platform shooter for the….
Actually, you can do this on Nintendo, but we’re not going to talk about that. I may have mentioned it before, somewhere, but I was a SEGA kid back in….
Genesis does! It’s not exactly unheard of for developers to make games for otherwise “dead” (that is to say, past the end of their manufacturer supported lifespan) systems. One of….
Duke Nukem 3D, a PC classic released in early 1996, featured pseudo 3D effects, a gritty foul mouth protagonist facing off against college humor styled enemies and levels. Tectoy released….