Jessica Jones: “AKA You’re a Winner!”
Ah, here it is: the dreaded transition episode. If you’re a regular reader of mine, first of all, Hi, all six of you! Second of all, this should be a….
Ah, here it is: the dreaded transition episode. If you’re a regular reader of mine, first of all, Hi, all six of you! Second of all, this should be a….
Here’s what I expected going into Jessica Jones: a gritty neo-noir enlivened by a heroine with honest-to-goodness super powers. What I wasn’t expecting was to be so deeply, thoroughly unnerved. “AKA….
Jessica Jones hits its stride with “AKA 99 Friends,” right as it bares it soul. While Daredevil focused on themes of pain and guilt, Jessica Jones deals with trauma and PTSD – in short, how….
“AKA It’s Called Whiskey” is far and away the best episode so far of Jessica Jones, for many reasons. First and foremost: it’s genuinely disturbing. This episode gets under your skin, and….
Right now, Jessica Jones is as successful for what it doesn’t show us as for what it does. It’s almost as though the show is building a rich world behind the narrative….
Look, I know a lot of fanboys are going to go cry on their forums and at their local comic shops (do the latter and buy some books), but let’s….
Jessica Jones, as the comic giant’s second foray into Netflix programming, has some big shoes to fill in the wake of Daredevil, which was damn near perfect in every way. How do you….
Keeping with the dark and gritty nature of the street level hero, Jessica Jones keeps in line with the wildly successful Daredevil series. While in the same universe as the….
Netflix took the very first trailer for season 2 of Daredevil to New York Comic-Con. Not only do we get to see the awesome suit that the man without fear….
This summers Ant-Man marked the end for Marvel’s successful Phase 2 series of films. We are getting word today on what Phase three will be looking like with the surprise….
Marvel and Netflix give us another teaser trailer for the rapidly approaching Jessica Jones series. In this “Nightcap” trailer we see a little bit more of the power that Jessica….
Spider-Gwen is a thing, people. She is so big that she has nearly eclipsed Spider-Man in popularity; at least for the time being. Seeing Gwen Stacey kick some butt in….