Star Wars Battlefront 2 is the World’s most Hateable Vampire
A.K.A Star Wars Battlefront 2 Part 4: The Revenge. You know what the difference between the last one of these I did and this one is? Last time, I didn’t….
A.K.A Star Wars Battlefront 2 Part 4: The Revenge. You know what the difference between the last one of these I did and this one is? Last time, I didn’t….
You know what, EA? Fuck you. I really can’t explain why I expected better from EA. Truly can’t. But naturally, they fix one thing publicly and ruin another in an….
The ride never ends. Loot boxes and gambling seem to be the big thing of late. As you may have noticed. Well, now it’s the sort of thing that’s going….
Mortgaging your home for digital crap is a-ok. As it turns out, the Entertainment Software Ratings Board (ESRB) doesn’t see loot boxes as gambling. In a statement made to Kotaku,….
I feel like I don’t have a dog in this fight. OpenCritic, one of the largest review aggregators, has decided to take a stand against loot boxes. Specifically, those in….
The Overwatch Anniversary event launched earlier this week. And along with it, a whole bunch of sweet loot box items, including 10 really great legendary skins, plus one for Zarya…..