5 Really Weird Comic Book Stories
Weird and comic books go together like peanut butter and jelly. Sometimes Batman has to face someone like the Condiment King to kill some time on the weekend.
Weird and comic books go together like peanut butter and jelly. Sometimes Batman has to face someone like the Condiment King to kill some time on the weekend.
In a galaxy far, far away Tom Hardy was a Stormtrooper serving in the Imperial Army during The Last Jedi. The scenes were cut and left on the edit room floor. Little….
If you thought you had it rough on Christmas, these 15 people would like a word with you. Let’s just hope you don’t make it onto this list next year!
Follow the thoughts of Gordon Freeman, theoretical physicist and survivor. In this episode, Freeman goes Hawaiian. For those that aren’t in the Half Life know, Freeman’s Mind was a Let’s Play/web series….
Mass Effect: Andromeda isn’t a game I’m all that interested in. I played the first Mass Effect and had a good time with it, but it never clicked with me in….
Never underestimate the power of the internet, as Boaty McBoatface heads off on its maiden voyage to Antarctica. This little guy, who isn’t a boat or has a face, will chart….