Peggle is Free on Origin
For all intents and purposes, Popcap’s last game. Thanks to Origin’s On the House program, you can get Peggle for free right now. All you need to do is sign….
For all intents and purposes, Popcap’s last game. Thanks to Origin’s On the House program, you can get Peggle for free right now. All you need to do is sign….
I’m sure you’ll be able to spend a nice, relaxing day on the beach. Remember how different Battlefield 1 was? Well, It seems EA has followed the obvious sequel idea….
Take me down to the Paradise City… Yes, it’s true; Burnout Paradise Remastered is a real thing, and it’s happening sooner than you think. EA has confirmed that the game….
They finally seem to have screwed everyone one time too many. Look, it’s not exactly a secret that people tend to consider EA as the worst company. It won two….
“My designation is PR1D3-4CC0MPL151-1M3N7, human/grinding relations.” So, maybe you’re one of the few that bought Star Wars Battlefront 2 despite all the hoopla. And maybe, you want to grind credits….
Oh yay, more loot box stuff. Ghost Games, the developer behind Need for Speed Payback, has decided to take some initiative. Specifically in the wake of SWB2’s massive progression controversy…..
A.K.A. Star Wars Battlefront 2 Controversy, Episode 6: Revenge of the Jedi. Well, we all know EA pulled the microtransactions from Star Wars Battlefront 2. “Temporarily“. That’s not the interesting….
A.K.A. Star Wars Battlefront 2 Chapter 5: The Empire Strikes Back. The nonstop tire fire that is the Star Wars Battlefront 2 controversy simply won’t stop providing. In this case,….
A.K.A Star Wars Battlefront 2 Part 4: The Revenge. You know what the difference between the last one of these I did and this one is? Last time, I didn’t….
You know what, EA? Fuck you. I really can’t explain why I expected better from EA. Truly can’t. But naturally, they fix one thing publicly and ruin another in an….
A full on 75% reduction in cost. EA has responded to the hero unlock controversy in Star Wars: Battlefront 2. After, as of this writing, their initial Reddit response is….
You might have to pump the breaks on getting into some hot Bossk action on the field. EA’s Star Wars: Battlefront 2 already waded into a minefield with the loot….